
Overwatch Patch Nerfs Genji, Buffs Mei and Mercy

Blizzard on Wednesday released a new Overwatch patch to its Public Test Realm, where players trial new changes before it gets pushed to the entire playerbase, and it’s having fun messing with trolls.


“I’m wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me”.

It will be interesting to see if these changes make it through into Blizzard’s other competitive games as well.

I feel very, very small. please hold me. You can check out the full patch notes here.

There are also ones turning the troll into a good victor, such as “Well played, I salute you” and “Gee whiz, that was fun”. As season one of ranked play comes to a close after today, Blizzard is now hard at work on a brand new patch which aims to finally balance out its character roster and introduce a number of changes to the seasonal competitive mode. Sudden death is also going away completely in season two, and should the match end in a tie, it will count as a draw. Because of this, we’ve made some changes to our game modes in Competitive Play to help reduce the chance that a draw will occur. The point system and penalty for leaving a match have also been adjusted as well. Ultimates that consume the ultimate meter when activated will now drain the meter more quickly (.25 second instead of 1 second).


Blizzard has fixed this issue. “Easy”, i.e. that was too easy.

Blizzard punks Overwatch's poor winners