
Owen Smith to fight to keep Britain in EU

His campaign team said he was unable to find unreserved seats for his group, which included aide Emma Rees and his wife Laura Alvarez, s o he sat with other passengers in the corridor who were also unable to secure a seat.


“While Ronnie, a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, has been denied his say in Labour’s election, no action is being taken over the Labour peer, Lord Sainsbury, who has given more than £2m to support the Liberal Democrats. As I said it was a reference to me.If he’s [Corbyn] been offended by it, yes absolutely”.

In a video posted last week, Mr Corbyn intimated that he had been forced to sit down because the train was so full he could not find a seat.

Jeremy Corbyn has angrily turned on Sir Richard Branson and the media as the controversy over his “ram-packed” train claim continued to dog him.

Corbyn’s comments have been made a fortnight after his shadow Scottish secretary Dave Anderson said the party should “consider” a coalition with the SNP.

“I hope he’s very well aware of our policy which is that train operating companies should become part of the public realm not the private sector”.

Britain’s watchdog on data protection, the Information Commissioner’s Office, said Wednesday it is “making inquiries into the publication of CCTV images of Corbyn on the train”.

Mr Smith pointed to Mr Corbyn’s criticism of the EU from 1992 and said the Labour leader had a record of criticising the union.

Smith told supporters: “What you won’t get from me is some, you know, lunatic at the top of the Labour Party, you’ll have someone who tries to form a coherent narrative about what’s wrong with Britain”.

Mr Smith faced calls from allies of Mr Corbyn to retract the remarks but he told BBC Radio 4 Today programme that he was not referring to his Labour leadership rival.

The visit follows the accusation from Mr Smith that Mr Corbyn is responsible for Labour finishing third behind the SNP and Conservatives in May’s Holyrood election.

“As soon as Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader, although I had misgivings I decided and informed you that I would give him a fair chance. I was talking about me”.

“Never before has a party leader received such low ratings from fellow MPs but it is not surprising given the difficulties Jeremy Corbyn has had with the parliamentary Labour Party”.

“We will vote in Parliament to block any attempt to invoke Article 50 until Theresa May commits to a second referendum or a general election on whatever European Union exit deal emerges at the end of the process”.


Mr Corbyn’s campaign spokesman said there were coats and bags on the seats which indicated people were sat there.

Labour leadership candidate Owen Smith who has promised to attempt to block the triggering of formal negotiations to leave the European Union until the Government offers a second referendu