
Pakistan air strikes kill 18 more militants in tribal area

North Waziristan – one of the seven semi-autonomous tribal regions in Pakistan – has been a battleground between the army and the Taliban since June 2014 following a full-scale military onslaught that has killed around 3,000 suspected militants.


Pakistan Army has launched a ground offensive in North Waziristan Agency’s (NWA) mountainous Shawal Valley, regarded as the last haven of fleeing homegrown militants and their foreign cohorts.

According to DG ISPR, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif has directed for accomplishment of military objectives as soon as possible. General Raheel lauded the ideal air and ground forces coordination, he said. Army claims that more than 1,600 militants have been killed in the operation.

The security forces have increased bombing of the militants’ positions following a suicide attack that killed Punjab Home Minister and 18 other people on Sunday.

Just hours after PAF jets targeted militants in Shawal area of North Waziristan, Pakistan army started a ground operation in the region.

Air strikes in Bannu killed at least 24 suspected militants hiding in their north-western hideouts on Monday, claim…


Security officials say that almost 2,900 militants have so far been killed and over 90 percent areas cleared of the militants.

Pakistani Army air strikes