
Pakistan to present dossier on MQM leader to UK

MQM chief Altaf Hussain, who has been declared an absconder by a Pakistani anti-terrorism court, has asked party workers to “approach” the UN and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to inform them about human rights abuses against Urdu-speaking migrants in Karachi. “We are left with no option but to stick to the Mohajir politics when the state starts squeezing us under different pretexts”, he said.


The interior minister said that Pakistan would continue to extend its support to British authorities regarding Imran Farooq murder probe.

They MQM Coordination Committee members said that these illegal raids and arrests had exposed the tall claims of a democratic government and termed the present government as worse than the ear of previous “martial law” tenures. “The language used by Altaf Hussain can be of an enemy”.

The letter alleges the Rangers mistreated party workers during the security operation in Karachi, and their activists were being unlawfully being detained by police officials.

Chaudhry Nisar said that a formal letter is being written to UK government and London metropolitan police over the speech of Altaf Hussain.

He added that, “Sarcastic poems were read against the armed forces of Pakistan and accusations were levelled against the army”.

Chaudhry Nisar further said, “Only criminal elements within the MQM have been targeted during the ongoing operation”.

No other party took to the streets nor asked for the operation to be ended, he claimed.


Addressing a press conference, he called the London-based MQM leader’s speech a humiliation for Pakistan. “As a result of the operation there has been noticeable decrease in rime and terrorism cases”.

Chaudhry Nisar