
Palestinian girls stab man near Jerusalem market, one shot dead

The gas station was also the scene of a stabbing attack in August.


The two Palestinians identified as the assailants, aged 14 and 16, were shot by a police officer while they were trying to stab others near the Mahane Yehuda open-air market.

Palestinian Maan News Agency said it was unclear whether the vehicle crash was an attack or accidental, although following the incident, an Israeli settler corroborated the police account that the Palestinian exited the auto holding a knife.

She said that the soldier “responded to the immediate danger” and opened fire on the Palestinian, “resulting in his death”. Palestinians have also accused Israel of using excessive force, saying a few attackers could be stopped without being killed.

At a petrol station in the West Bank yesterday, on the side of a road regularly used by Israelis to drive between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, a Palestinian stabbed two Israeli soldiers, killing one of them, before he was shot dead.

One assailant was shot dead and the other wounded by a police officer who happened to be in the area, police said.

Later, a Palestinian driving a taxi attempted to ram into civilians then charged at them with a knife before being shot dead by a civilian, police said. To the extent there is a positive aspect in Israeli eyes it is that the unrest has not approached the proportions of the intifada that broke out in 2000 and took 1,000 Israeli lives (as well as 3,000 Palestinian lives).

Monday’s stabbing and shootings were the first violence to hit Jerusalem in almost two weeks.

“We continue to witness illegal settlement activities and settler-related violence”, Eliasson said.

The two injured were a 27-year-old and a 70-year-old Palestinian man, according to NBC News. The fact that Israelis have been able to defend themselves from many of these stabbings by gunning down would-be killers as they chase or stab victims is held against the Jewish state in much the same manner as it was blamed for its ability to prevent more casualties from Hams rocket attacks with the Iron Dome system.

Israel says the violence stems from Palestinian incitement and incendiary videos on social media.

With the attacks defying worldwide efforts to restore calm, US Secretary of State John Kerry is to travel to Israel and the West Bank to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday.

Twenty-two Israelis have died since the recent wave of violence began in October.


The region has been rocked by frequent clashes since September, when Israel began imposing restrictions on Muslim worshipers at East Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. “We are entering into villages, communities and homes and are carrying out widespread arrests”, said Netanyahu, who appeared to be wearing a bulky flak jacket under his coat.

Israel says it shoots dead Palestinian woman trying to stab