
Palestinian Man Killed After Stabbing Israeli Officer

Another attack occurred earlier in the day in the West Bank; another Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli soldier, wounding him slightly, before being himself wounded by Israeli soldiers.


In Monday’s attack, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said the Palestinian assailant approached the checkpoint, telling police officers there that he felt unwell.

As he drew near, they allege he pulled out a knife and stabbed one of them. The Israeli military says its troops shot a Palestinian man who stabbed an Israeli soldier after asking for a glass of water.

Tensions have already been substantially high because July flammable confront through a Palestinian West Bank own home, if an 18-month-old babe appeared to be toasted senseless.

Rights group Addameer, which defends Palestinian prisoners, said force-feeding a detainee was “immoral” and “harms his dignity and puts his life in danger”.

Allan’s case has gathered sympathy among Palestinians in the West Bank and among Arab citizens in Israel.

This comes after his lawyer, Kamal Natur, sent an appeal to the court on August 15, saying that his client should be immediately released from administrative detention, where he has been held without charge since November 2014. Israeli officials must hear the voice of the world demanding that this threat of torture be stopped, and that Allan, imprisoned without charge or trial, be freed. Authorities said Allan was being held for his activities in Islamic Jihad, a group which has carried out numerous violent attacks against civilians.

“The only action that can save his life, and the only option the government can do, would be to release him”.

Israel seeks to bury any attempt at victory by Palestinian prisoners in its prisons”.

What happens next – whether or not the suspected militant becomes the first Palestinian prisoner force-fed to stay alive under a controversial new Israeli law – is an issue that has caused cleavages between doctors and the state in a clash over medical ethics and Israel’s detention policies.

The justice ministry released a statement ahead of the hearing offering to free Allan “if he agrees to go overseas for a period of four years”.

All three are held under special anti-terror rules called “administrative detention”, which allows Israeli authorities to incarcerate them indefinitely without trial.

JERUSALEM (AP) – Israeli military and police shot two Palestinians, one fatally, after separate stabbing attacks on security forces in the West Bank on Saturday, authorities said.


Allan was reportedly transferred to the town’s Barzilai Medical Centre on Monday morning, and although the hospital’s medical director is willing to force-feed him, an overwhelming majority of Israeli doctors remain opposed to the practice.

A Palestinian man has been shot dead by Israeli forces after stabbing a border officer in the West Bank