
Palestinian officers disciplined after video of beating

The survey conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found that a slight majority, 51 percent, oppose the two-state solution while 48 percent are in favor.


Findings indicate a decline in the level of support for the two-state solution.

Some 66 percent of Palestinians reject a return to unconditional negotiations with Israel if it means that settlement activities will continue. The latter figure is down from 39 percent three months ago.

The two-state solution – an independent Palestine existing side-by-side with Israel – has been the broad objective of negotiations since the mid-1970s and the overriding focus of U.S.-led diplomacy for the past 20 years.

Gisha said that while Gazan industries are eager to break into the Israeli market, which is a “mutually beneficial, shared interest”, until they’re allowed raw materials “limited moves like this one…”

Tensions have spiked between Palestinians and Israelis recently over a Jerusalem site holy to both Jews and Muslims.

According to OCHA weekly report covering the period between 1 and 7 of September 2015, “On 3 September, the Israeli authorities demolished seven Palestinian-owned structures in East Tayba Bedouin community in Area C for lack of Israeli-issued building permits, displacing 9 people, including five children, and otherwise affecting 10 others”.

According to Hamas linked newspaper al-Resalah, a source from Fatah said that 80-year-old Abbas intends to announce his resignation soon as leader of the party, which controls the Palestinian Authority (PA).


US-backed talks between the Palestinians and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government collapsed in April 2014 after nine months of fruitless meetings amid bitter recriminations and mutual blame.

Abbas 'won't announce end of PA' in UN speech: report