
Panel revising Common Core standards: Change requires money

Test results, overall, are on the rise.


There also remained an achievement gap for black and Hispanic students: 21 percent of black students scored at the proficient level in math compared to 24.5 percent for Hispanic students, the state said. Supporters argued that although it may have been implemented too fast and without enough training for educators, in the long run it would prove to be beneficial. So far, there’s no national data on student performance in other states that administered the test in the spring and no data from previous years in Missouri that could be used for comparison.

“We have people in the legislature who can’t do that!” a commission member added, as people in the room broke into laughter.

Second, discussing why in general math scores are lower than those in English, she noted that students in earlier grades score higher because they have been exposed to the same standards and the same teaching techniques from the start of their schooling.

Chalkbeat reports that more than 160 schools have been involved in opting out, totaling more than 7,900 students throughout the city. “Whether their child tests or not is not a priority (to them) and rightfully so”. Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers.

High need areas, where students overwhelmingly opted in showed strong progress this year.

“It would be a huge mistake to read anything into these test results”, New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) President Karen Magee said in a press release.

Chris Christie’s decision to change his mind and go against Common Core is being hit with criticism by some GOP donors who want education addressed in the 2016 election.

Persell Middle School, however, did obtain a few scores above the state proficiency score.

The standards, in short, “devalue the whole child and the importance of social-emotional development”.

The 11-member Common Core review panel was created last summer with directions to recommend updated standards for the State Board of Education to consider. She is currently leading a review of the standards and assessments to ensure their effectiveness.

Hadley-Luzerne had an opt-out rate 23 percent.

· New Improvements to the System: Questar Assessments will take over as New York’s new testing provider.

The sessions stem from action by the Legislature and the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. This step will help all stakeholders continue getting more comfortable with the assessments and the standards. Now, with roughly 80 percent statewide taking the tests, districts await to see if they’ll be sanctioned or restricted from receiving state or federal funding. In many schools, the opening staff meeting was built around the phrase, “Let’s just get through this year…” “We tend to have high-needs districts in our region….”

But consider this: By 2020 nearly 60 percent of jobs in Nevada will require a post-secondary degree or credential. The vast majority of our children will need a college degree to succeed in an increasingly competitive global economy. “There are simply too many unidentified prerequisite skills to be covered in the allotted class time”.


First and foremost, you should know that we had to fight a barrage of special interest groups to pass this bill.

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie speaks during an education summit Wednesday Aug. 19 2015 in Londonderry N.H