
Paraglider prompts sky chase after jail flyover

The 67-year-old Northridge resident flew near the prison complex around 5:30 p.m. and was quickly pursued by a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department helicopter for failing to yield. In midair. Between a helicopter and a powered paraglider.


Los Angeles police briefly detained a 67-year-old paraglider pilot who had just flown past a jail which raised concerns.

A KABC-TV helicopter captured the chase that took place after the pilot veered a little too close to a jail.

Daily Mail says a man on a motorized glider almost caused a major incident after flying near a Los Angeles jail as authorities were anxious he might be trying to drop some sort of contraband directly into the jail.

The crew in the chopper cranked up the siren and turned up the public address system in efforts to get the man to land.

Deputies on the ground and in the air tracked the hang glider as it flew along several jail access roads, but not directly over the jail. He at first didn’t obey orders to stop, but landed a few minutes later near a paintball playing field.


Deputies say nothing was dropped near or inside the prison, but they are still investigating.

Ron Nagin the paraglider pilot soars near Los Angeles County's Pitchess Detention Center. Jail deputies saw the fly-by and a Los Angeles County Sheriff's helicopter