
Paralympian Oscar Pistorius ‘demanded his own bath and new gym equipment’

“The problem is the public is seeing Oscar Pistorius being released”, Du Toit said.


The prison parole board had permitted Pistorius’ release.

Pistorius, the double-amputee Olympic runner, is serving a five-year sentence for manslaughter for killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013.

The athlete, who lost both legs below the knees when he was 11 months old, is housed in the hospital wing of the prison, where he had his own cell and separate toilet away from the general prison population.

Justice Minister Michael Masutha said on Wednesday a parole board decision taken in June to free Pistorius and allow him to serve out the rest of his sentence under house arrest was “premature” and had been suspended pending review. He was not charged with murder, testifying that he mistook Steenkamp for an intruder.

“He also had a complaint about his bed and they replaced his bed for him”.

It was meant to be his first night back at home instead it marked exactly 10 months since Pistorius was sent to prison.

“It comes down to differing interpretations: the justice minister said the parole board should only have begun considering parole on Friday, after Pistorius had completed a sixth of his sentence”.

The review panel will look at whether the parole process was properly followed and the law applied correctly, said Mmule Motsamai Madisa, regional head of Correctional Services.

Masutha put Pistorius’ early release – scheduled for Friday – on hold, saying it was approved too soon.

Oscar Pistorius, the Paralympic athlete convicted of killing his girlfriend, was given a new bed and bath in prison as well as gym equipment, it emerged on the day he was due for release. According to the South African Criminal Procedure Act, an offender must serve at least one-sixth of his sentence before he is eligible for early release. Legal analysts say his lawyers have a strong case to challenge the justice department’s ruling.


“No decisions have been taken, and the family will take their time to calmly consider the way forward”, said Pistorius family spokesperson Anneliese Burgess.

Oscar Pistorius