
Parents say baby’s tumor shrinks after pope’s kiss in Philadelphia

Pope Francis kissed one-year-old Gianna in September, during a papal procession in Philadelphia, CBS Philadelphia reported.


They insist the pontiff’s quick kiss of little Gianna Masciantonio is partially responsible for her quick recovery.

A baby’s inoperable brain tumour has reportedly reduced in size following a kiss on the head from Pope Francis.

After the papal kiss, a recent brain scan in November shows Gianna’s tumor has shrunk significantly.

Gianna’s parents, Joey and Kristen, of Warrington, now say that the pope’s act of divine intervention has had a miracle effect on their daughter.

According to the Masciantonios, an Federal Bureau of Investigation friend, Donny Asper, tipped them off that Pope Francis would be passing thorough James A. Byrne U.S. Courthouse on Market Street near 7th after delivering an address at Independence Hall on September 26.

In 2014, in Rome, he kissed a three-month-old baby with two holes in her heart. “She’s blowing kisses. She’s started to point, started pointing at things”, said Kristen Masciantonio.

He also said: ‘I think this is all from God. “The Pope is a messenger from God”.

Gianna was named for Saint Gianna, a modern-day saint from Italy who died in 1962. The saint’s daughter was in Philadelphis and met Gianna during the papal weekend.


Joey Masciantonio told the television station: ‘Last year was about living in honor of her.

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