
Paris Attacks: ISIS Losing Territory In Iraq And Syria, ‘Will Feel Greater

Hollande plans to travel to Washington D.C. on November 24 to meet with President Barack Obama to discuss further cooperation on fighting extremism and dealing with Syria.


“They rape and torture and pillage and call it the will of God”, Kerry said.

Kerry expressed optimism that a shift in Syria could come within weeks now that the United States and more than a dozen other nations, including Iran and Saudi Arabia, have agreed to a framework to end the crisis there.

Coordination with Russian Federation will be hampered by “Moscow’s unchanged long-term goal of sustaining” the Assad government, Carsten Nickel, an analyst at political-risk consultancy Teneo Intelligence, said in an email.

Kerry said he would probably call another meeting in about a month to check on the progress of defining which opposition groups would take part in a peace process.

“We are engaged in thickening our presence in Incirlik, more people flying more missions”, Kerry adds, referring to a key airbase in southern Turkey, used by the anti-Islamic State coalition to fly sorties in territory held by Islamic State.

“I’m convinced that over the course of the next weeks Daesh will feel even greater pressure”. They are feeling it today.

“Tonight we are all Parisians…Ultimately we will defeat Daesh and all who share their despicable ideology”, Kerry said, using the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

He spoke in Paris, during a visit to show solidarity with France after last week’s attacks. The United States and Turkey hope that by sweeping ISIS from that border zone they can deprive it of a smuggling route which has seen its ranks swell with foreign fighters and its coffers boosted by illicit trade.

Belgium is to deploy up to 300 extra soldiers to help provide security in major cities, reported Associated Press.

Police spokesman Werner Schneider said the trio were arrested Tuesday morning by a SWAT team outside a job center in Alsdorf, just northeast of Aachen and near the border with Belgium and the Netherlands.


The move would bring the total number of troops in the streets to 520.

Kerry in Paris to show US support for France after attacks