
Paris Las Vegas Hotel to dim Eiffel Tower to honor victims

“This is an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share”, US President Barack Obama said.


The Eiffel Tower’s lights are turned off, following the deadly attacks in Paris, on November 14. At the time of writing, Jullien’s Instagram post of the image had 160,000 likes and more than 3,400 comments. His painting Je Suis Charlie (below)- featuring a pencil being inserted into the barrel of an AK-47 – was widely shared after the attack on the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris in January. It was my way of communicating with the people I know and showing that I was thinking about everyone affected in Paris.

Delphine Bourit, a graphic designer based in Lyon, said that the city was looking for peace in the sky.

Speaking to London’s Telegraph the artist also observed that usually when he draws, he makes images created to make people laugh.

“The Paris tragedy requires of us all to unite in the fight against extremism”, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. It’s doesn’t feel right.

When Jullien woke up Saturday morning, he discovered the “Peace for Paris” symbol had gone viral.

But I can see why people are uncomfortable about the way the online world reacts to tragedies and Jullien has admitted he is “sort of embarrassed” by how quickly his sketch took on a life of its own. Kevin Breen, of the United Church of Bacon and Sunday Assembly, said organizers wanted to provide a venue where everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs, could gather to reflect and “show their love for the world and humanity”.

Artist Jean Jullien was on vacation when he heard about the terrorists attacks in his home country Friday. “Thank you for your understanding”. “So for me, it’s just sort of trying to summarize these feelings in one image with my way of reacting”, Jullien says. A few of the wounded are in critical condition. The terrorist group ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks.

Around 1,000 people were believed to be there to watch American band Eagles of Death Metal.

Panayotis said it took Paris’s tourism industry about two months to rebound from those attacks, and he expects something similar again, provided there are no additional security breaches.

Former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and counterterrorism specialist Don Borelli says the threat from Islamic State is particularly high in France and the rest of Europe due to the large numbers of supporters there.


“Also, if you’re an Airbnb host in Paris and your Airbnb guest is experiencing travel delays as they try to leave Paris, you can allow your guest to extend their stay for free”.

Expressions of solidarity for France in red, white and blue