
Paris opens its doors to people seeking safe haven with #PorteOuverte hashtag

Paris: A show of solidarity, unity, brotherhood and empathy always follows deadly terror attacks in every party of the world.


Social media users are now using #PorteOuverte to connect those needing shelter with those who are willing to give it, and by taxi drivers offering people free rides out of the city. As many as 60 people are reportedly dead. People have taken to using a variety of digital networks to post videos of protests, shootings, and other disasters as well as to coordinate safety plans with people on the ground. A countrywide state of emergency has been declared by President Francois Hollande, who referred to the events as an ” act of war” and closed the country’s borders, telling citizens it is “a awful, bad event that is upon us” in a brief televised statement. A few offered places of worship as well.

The hostage situation in the Bataclan theatre where American band Eagles of Death Metal was playing at the time of the attacks initially reported that over a 100 hostages were taken.

On Twitter, residents used #PorteOuverte, which translates to “open door”, to ask for shelter and offer their homes to one another.


Gunmen held about 100 hostages as the horrific killing unfolded.

Gunfire rings out around Bataclan concert hall in Paris as police confront hostage-takers