
Parkinson’s App Celebrates Milestone, Featured by Apple

Apple found that with the data people were inputting into ResearchKit, it could find differences in how users responded to different forms of care.


The framework will be open-sourced like ResearchKit and available next month.

The first CareKit app will address Parkinsons patients, and more are on the way.

Launching for iOS developers in April, CareKit is a new framework for apps that make it easy for iOS users to take better care of themselves. With help from top medical institutions including UCSF, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford School of Medicine, CareKit can help individuals track treatment progress and communicate it to a physician or family. Apple’s CareKit is here to help.

Apple Chief Operating Offer Jeff Williams assured that CareKit will be secure during the announcement, promising that patients will have full control over who they share medical information with.

“With mPower, the patient is increasingly at the center of the study, representing a disruptive model for conducting research that has application well beyond Parkinson’s disease”, said Dorsey.


During the event, Apple showed a touching video of ResearchKit’s affect on specific patients, like research to find a predictor for epilepsy thanks to sensors in the Apple Watch and studies to track Parkinson’s patients. ResearchKit is an app for iPhone that allows people to easily participate in medical research used by doctors and researchers in several fields.

Apple unveils CareKit, an open-source framework for health apps, launching in April