
Party Conventions Are Usually Great For Candidates’ Poll Numbers

“I’ve been watching these speeches at night, and boy am I getting hit”, Trump said at an event Thursday in Iowa.


“I find it highly amusing that Donald Trump talks about “Make America Great Again”.

“Our power comes from those immortal declarations first put to paper right here in Philadelphia all those years ago: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that together, we, the people, can form a more ideal union”, Obama said. The portrait painted of Hillary Clinton then was much different, of a caring mother who wrote her daughter notes while away on business trips and joined in on family movie nights.

She mocked that Trump’s speech didn’t include real solutions that would help everyday Americans. “…if you’re serious about our democracy, you can’t afford to stay home just because she might not align with you on every issue”, the President said, as several delegates kept their “No TPP” placards up throughout hit speech. No matter who you plan to vote for this November, we have all just collectively witnessed something monumentous. However, one Gallup poll found her to be the country’s most admired woman. “She is criticized for her laugh”, Frame said Thursday.

“…His speech, his whole convention, seemed more about insulting me than helping the American people”. With the Democrats’ sunnier performance, Clinton should get her own bump as the 14-week sprint to Election Day begins.

Clinton and top Democrats have pointed to Trump’s controversial rhetoric and off-the-cuff musings as evidence that he is unfit for the Oval Office. Her campaign seeks to encompass everyone from socialist supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders to Republicans disillusioned by the erratic ways and juvenile insults of Trump.

For many, Clinton’s nomination goes far beyond politics.

She portrayed Trump as volatile, saying “a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons”. “He wants to divide us – from the rest of the world, and from each other”. Despite critique from conservatives that she was merely running on her status as the first female nominee, Clinton reveled in the “glass ceiling” which she had broken through.

Viewership of Clinton’s speech on Fox News Channel was less than a third of what it was for Trump’s address, Nielsen said.


The speech came after a series of high-profile endorsements this week from former military leaders and national security experts, and a week after Republican leaders used their convention to batter Clinton over a host of past scandals, portraying her as too untrustworthy to serve as commander in chief.

A tough sell