
Party Divide on Use of Force Resurfaces in Iran Deal Debate

He said U.S. Treasury experts “are doing a full dive on how this works and what the implications are”. The agreement will be monitored constantly by the global Atomic Energy Agency, which can demand inspections of Iran’s facilities any time. Adding, “I think it’s still a very real possibility that a veto could be overridden”. “For those skeptics who doubt whether Iran will hold up their end of this agreement, Congress should provide the president with the authority to use force if necessary”. “And it shouldn’t be built on trust”. Schumer issued a statement detailing his opposition of the agreement, while the White House immediately began to marginalize the senator, commenting how he supported the Iraq War, and is now wrong with the president on foreign policy. “I hear talking points that have been prepared”, Obama told a group of reporters in an invite-only news conference after his August. 5 speech at American University defending the deal. “These sanctions make it harder for Iran to have the resources to continue to sponsor terrorism“, Hoeven said.


I want to underscore: If Iran fails in a material way to live up to these commitments, then the United States, the European Union, and even the U.N. sanctions that initially brought Iran to the table can and will snap right back into place.

On the other hand, the Obama administration picked up support on Monday from Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota. A US State Department spokeswoman acknowledged the campaign this week on social media. It said the agency would fully uphold its “unshakable commitment to security of the region” while continuing to protect core interests.

However, on or about Wednesday, January 21, of this year, the Obama administration, acting with or without the permission of the Congress, reportedly returned $490 million in sanctioned cash assets to Iran as an inducement for the Iranian negotiators to sit down and “talk”.

“Iran has many pressing domestic needs for these funds”, the State Department’s response reads. Obama has already said he will veto such a resolution if it reaches his desk.

“I intended to call all my colleagues before I announced my decision to give them the courtesy of knowing, but it leaked that night so I called majority the day after, ” Schumer said in a telephone interview Wednesday.

“We, the undersigned retired military officers, support the agreement as the most effective means now available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons“, the letter declared.


Secretary of State John Kerry has vigorously defended the Iran deal as the last best hope of preventing that from happening short of war. “That would impact my kids and grandkids in a big way”.

Rep. Pete Welch says if Congress rejects the Iran nuclear deal it will set up a'very dangerous situation in the Middle East that could end in war