
Passenger and Crew Deliver a Baby Girl on Los Angeles-Bound Flight

Upon learning that a woman was in labour, the pilot changed course and landed the plane in Anchorage, Alaska within 30 minutes of her going to labour.


In an incident that is nothing less than a miracle, a woman gave birth to a premature baby girl 30,000 feet in the air.

The flight took off from Taiwan Taoyuan global Airport at 11:50 p.m. Wednesday and was scheduled to arrive in the 8:35 p.m., according to The China Post. Now they just have to determine if the baby was born within a 12-mile radius of Alaska, which would make her a United States citizen.

Rajput, a health food advocate known as The Kitchen Doc, said the woman was covered by blankets as flight attendants stood over her. A doctor was indeed on board, and delivered the healthy baby, she said. You can hear passengers clapping.

One woman captured the unexpected arrival on film, saying, “This is a once in a lifetime thing”. “It was super chill”, Rajput stated.

“After the aircraft landed, the lady & baby have been taken to an area hospital & the mom & newborn are in acceptable condition, in accordance to the China Post”.

A Taiwanese mother gave birth on board a China Airlines flight from Taipei to Los Angeles last Thursday. The captain re-reouted the flight from Los Angeles to Anchorage, Alska airport three hours away.

Was it safe for the pregnant woman to fly? . Passengers stayed quiet during the labor and delivery to try to keep the woman calm, ABC reports.

The woman, whom the newspaper says is Taiwanese, was only 32 weeks pregnant and was therefore allowed to board the flight in accordance with the airline’s policy.


Nonetheless, pregnant women should seek medical advice before boarding a plane, China Airlines said.