
Passionate Supporter Cheers on Donald Trump

You can’t imagine. I saw Mr. Trump in my dreams.


All of that being said, Cruz has a very strong opinion about Trump and it will be interesting to see if he is right.

From his “Art of the Deal” tabloid-era heyday to today, Trump has been a rich guy who lives like a lottery victor.

[Alongside Trump’s campaign, activist clashes are growing uglier]. Standing in front of the podium, Witcher screamed out, “Mr. Trump!”

“And is this a set-up?” “America! nearly Eight years in still we do not know where Obama was Born?” she asked last month.

“Nobody can straighten mess out more than me”, said Trump. Just in case you need a brief refresher, El Chapo, real name Joaquin Guzman, is the reputed drug kingpin who escaped from a Mexican prison via a motorcycle in an underground track for about a mile. “We love you! We love you!”

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should have been executed for leaving his post in Afghanistan.

“That my relationship with Hispanics”, Trump declared after having the woman appear at his side.

“I’m on more covers than any supermodel in history”, he told the crowd.

The Las Vegas Sun talked to Witcher before she was pulled up on stage. “By showbiz standards, it’s small”.

Traditional presidential politics is like television in Ed Sullivan’s day, when the big three networks developed the idea of “least objectionable programming” – broad, inoffensive, something-for-everyone shows, meant to keep anyone from changing the channel. There was an elderly woman wearing a pink “birthday girl” sash, a group of young women in tight dresses and high heels, and dozens in various Trump-branded T-shirts. And he said he’ll be able to capitalize on the anti-establishment anger that Trump has stoked. “And this is me, and I support him 100 percent”.

Republicans won the House in 2010, and wrangled the Senate from Democrats” hands in 2014, yet “very little changed, ‘ Cruz said. “Who wouldn’t do it?”


Still, Witcher couldn’t care less about Trump’s nativist rhetoric. Yes, Mr. Trump! We love you! Meanwhile, reporters surrounded Witcher, who was still beaming about meeting the candidate. Cruz echoed familiar praise for Trump, calling his candidacy “tremendously helpful to my campaign because it’s framed the central question of this primary: Who will stand up to Washington?” “I just say what I feel”. I believe in being a positive person. Americans want better for themselves and are doing things the right way!!!!!!

Myriam Witcher Donald Trump's biggest Hispanic super fan seems confused when asked if she was used by the campaign as part of a set