
Pastor stops Trump from attacking Clinton in church

A statement given at the event by Rev. Faith Green Timmons of Bethel United Methodist Church explained Trump’s visit to the Flint church as a result of her church’s policy to welcome everyone.


The pastor of a MI black church has interrupted Donald Trump as he pilloried Hillary Clinton in a speech.

“I can only say in the strongest of terms that we can fix this problem, it’s going to take time, it’s wonderful the damage that’s been done”.

Trump made two stops in the city – including a quick trip to a water plant – in an attempt to court black voters who nearly entirely support his rival, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. “Second we’re going to repair our highways and bridges”, he continued as the panel began to laugh,”And Flint Michigan is an example of when there’s a water crisis, we’re going to fix it!” “Nothing. Now Hillary Clinton…” “He is a guest of my church and you will respect him”, she said.

According to Politico, Trump managed to squeeze his visit to Flint between a taping of the Dr Oz show in Manhattan and a campaign rally in Canton, Ohio in the evening. “Most importantly, we’ll bring jobs back to Flint”.

Ronald Owens waved a banner in support of the Trump and Mike Pence ticket, as the crowd migrated from the water plant as Flint Police and Michigan State Police cleared the way for their arrival.

That includes addressing the lack of corrosion control in the water system, switching the city back to Detroit water, and offering free filters and water to distribution sites and nonprofits. A pastor who hosted the GOP nominee interrupted him to remind him the real reason for his visit.

Trump abruptly ended his speech, which had lasted six minutes.

Mr. Trump said Thursday that it didn’t bother him.

“Cars were made in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico”.

“These are mostly African-American people – phenomenal people – and they want to see change”, he said.


But Trump was interrupted by questions from the small audience that seemed to throw him off.

Flint's mayor dismisses Donald Trump's water plant visit as 'photo op'