
Patriots’ QB denies tampering with footballs in 457-page transcript

Throughout the saga, Brady has maintained that he did nothing wrong and that the National Football League overstepped boundaries during their investigation, led by attorney Ted Wells. Following the hearing, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell upheld the New England Patriots star’s four-game suspension.


ProFootballTalk’s excerpts focused on the air-pressure question. He seemed non-believable when he claimed he didn’t know a Patriots ballboy, for example, which is hardly a crime.

He was given overinflated footballs during the Pats’ home against the Jets last October.

The NFL has suspended Brady for four games for his “DeflateGate” involvement.

“They’ve pretty much refused to work with us on it”, Winston said. Despite everything I have a little trust that he was not included in light of the fact that I have such a great amount of admiration for him and what he has done and overcome to be the place he is today. So if [NFL lawyer Daniel] Nash had said, ‘I still think it’s cooperation, it should be a fine, ‘ that would be one thing. “We could have picked 12.6”.

Brady: “Ball pressure has been so inconsequential, I hadn’t even thought about that”. It’s never something that has been on my radar, registered.

Fast forward to the AFC championship game in January, when the Patriots allegedly used underinflated footballs that in reality weren’t all that inflated and oh my goodness why in the world is any of this even still a thing? “It was something that never crossed my mind”. Going forward, he and the staffers settled on 12.5 psi for the footballs, the lowest legal setting.

The NFL hired a science firm called Exponent to analyze the air pressure of the AFC Championship Game balls to determine the likelihood of illegal tampering, and the firm concluded that eight of the 11 Patriots balls were probably tampered with. He stressed that he was more concerned about how the leather feels on his hand rather than the “give” of the ball.

“I just don’t see, as deferential as the court will be to the NFL, where’s the actual evidence?”

Wells: “I did reject it based on my assessment of his credibility and his refusal or decision not to give me what I requested in terms of responsive documents”.

During his appeal hearing with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, Tom Brady denied any wrongdoing or participation in the alleged deflation of footballs by the Patriots. “I can’t imagine taking a new deal back to the players and say personal conduct isn’t going to change”.

He said he didn’t do it. I believed him. “So once I pick the ball out, then I don’t want anything other than that ball to be the one that I am on the field playing with”. Brady acknowledged that he, Jastremski and Pats staff Jim McNally (who Brady said he knew only by face, not name) met in the quarterrbacks room at Gillette Stadium that day. Again-stupid. They already had the cell phone of the person he was allegedly texting. When you don’t do it together, you don’t get the buy-in of the players and you get what you’re getting now.

Jeff Kessler: You had never heard of that?

Brady: “My assistant does that”.


Q. When you said you repeated it, you are talking about the March 6th interview?

Tom Brady