
Patriots QB Tom Brady’s appeal is denied

A three-judge panel led by Judge Barrington D. Parker reinstated Brady’s four-game suspension in April for reportedly participating in a scheme to deflate footballs below the NFL-prescribed range in last year’s AFC championship game against the Indianapolis Colts. The Bills have failed to beat the Patriots in most road games, but the constant of Tom Brady was always looming over them.


“We hold that the commissioner properly exercised his broad discretion under the collective bargaining agreement and that his procedural rulings were properly grounded in that agreement and did not deprive Brady of fundamental fairness”, the 33-page ruling reads.

But no linebacker was in on this blitz…it was a federal court that upheld the QB’s “Deflategate” four-game suspension. Citing Goodell’s “shifting rationale”, Katzmann opined: “I believe there are significant differences behind the limited findings in the Wells Report and the additional findings the Commissioner made for the first time in his written final decision”.

Brady can (and probably will) appeal to the Supreme Court.

Dukes is saying that even though Brady is innocent, he should step down from challenging the league because there are more macro happenings in the country, including the continued use of unnecessary force by select police officers in black communities and the recent shootings of five police officers in Dallas.

The union also said in its statement: “Despite today’s result, the track record of this League office when it comes to matters of player discipline is bad for our business and bad for our game”. He still could seek a stay of his suspension that would endure while the case would be pending before the Supreme Court and keep playing during the upcoming season. “I can never get them back, ‘” McCann said.

“It’s time to put this thing to bed”, Drew said. Tom Brady should accept that he has lost. He will lose money by being suspended, but O’Neil says Brady is not concerned as much about the paycheck. If Brady is going to be branded a cheater, he’s going to go down swinging. If the 2nd Circuit doesn’t grant a stay, Brady’s lawyers could then request for a stay from the Supreme Court, which would be decided by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

“Brady could petition the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene”, McCann wrote in May.

However, the stubbornness of Tom Brady and the National Football League is continuing this fight to the bitter end.

Cleveland Browns starting defensive end Desmond Bryant will miss the upcoming season with a chest injury.


Brady is going to turn 39 next month, and could use the rest.

Tom brady