
Paul McCartney gives Skype some silly love songs

Paul McCartney announced a collaboration today with Skype to launch a new range of animated love-themed Mojis for Valentine’s Day featuring new music from McCartney coupled with Skype’s animated design.


Emojis, or Mojis as Skype likes to call them, can prove to be a big help when words alone cannot express how you really feel.

During a small press event earlier this week, Skype group program manager Steven Abrahams noted that Skype users have now sent over half a billion mojis.

The Beatles were masters of concise yet catchy songs and now Paul McCartney is writing tunes that are even more succinct – to accompany emojis.

“It turned out to be a great laugh at the same time as challenging because you suddenly realize you’ve got to compress a musical interpretation of an expression into less than five seconds”. “It was like doing a huge crossword puzzle and coming up with all these solutions”. It’s explained that he tracked guitar, xylophone, keyboards, drums and vocals at his Hog Hill Mill studio in Sussex, UK. Skype says it went through many iterations of these emoticons and decided that it wanted to create new expressive content that paired with McCartney’s original music, but did not want to overburden the message.

Sir Paul McCartney is an worldwide superstar, known for his music the world over, which naturally makes him a logical choice to create the soundtrack for an animated, amorous octopus, who comes bearing fuzzy handcuffs.


For the initial release, 10 Mojis with a mini McCartney soundtrack are available across all platforms.

Skype's new emoji were created by Paul McCartney