
Paul Rudd: Mac & Me clip shown on Conan again

Or will our newest hero have ants in his trousers? But it’s not particularly memorable, or especially incredible.


According to the news reported by the Page Six, at the party after Monday night’s screening of “Ant-Man”, Vanity Fair’s George Wayne noted that Omar Sharif was known for a gap in his teeth.

Superhero movies based on Marvel Comics just keep getting better and better. Ant-Man is entertaining, despite a slow start, with decent performances. And it doesn’t take long before you feel the walls close in.

Michael Douglas unveiled his secret for becoming a superstar in his time.

Michael Douglas is Dr. Pym, a former Shield scientist, who took his inventor’s home when he wasn’t happy with some of the decisions coming from the bosses.

Scott manages to evade Sam, break down his Falcon suit and get away with the McGuffin device that Hank sent him there for in the first place.

But the resulting movie is light, bright and tight, managing to cram in a sometime exposition-heavy origin story, a double daddy-daughter drama, and a crash course in North American formicidae and particle physics among the action. Spider-Man isn’t mentioned by name in the film, so we asked Reed for his thoughts.

The heart of the film lies in the father-daughter relationships between Pym and van Dyne, and Lang and his estranged daughter Cassie. “We had things from the comic that we wanted to see in the movie“. That said, like Netflix’s DAREDEVIL or last year’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, there’s also enough of a separation to make the ANT-MAN world also work on its own as a hyper-local space, and part of that goes back to Pym’s past rivalry with Tony Stark’s father – the exact reason why the “Pym Particle” technology has not been passed along to THE AVENGERS. He’s the kind of guy, swear to god, when I’m like: “‘What’d you do this weekend?’ He’s like [in Luis voice]: “‘I went to jail, dawg.'”. It’s nice to see these two receive the laughs like they did. Peña is a hoot as he literally steals one scene after another. There’s lots of shape-changing and punching, and it’s fun to watch. The film has wit, humor and wonderful comedic timing.

Marvel will continue to churn out these movies until audiences are fed up with the genre, and if the quality remains at this level, it may be a while yet. There are a few really inspired running gags in the film.

This series will include Ant-Man and the movie’s villain Yellowjacket. It’s delivered in earnest near the end and it actually earns its fist-pump in a movie that happily undercuts superheroic seriousness with wry irreverence.

If you’re on the fence about this movie, I can see why. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing: a chance to re-examine the Marvel universe from a different perspective is not unwelcome. And in the process, they’ve raised the standard for everybody.

Ant-Man is now in theaters.


HOLLYWOOD-There is something about the hero in Marvel’s “Ant-Man” that stands out. They were able to seamlessly blend the movement from life size to ant size. The latest hero to get called up to the big leagues: Ant-Man. If the audience thinks something is odd in the movie, it’s a good bet that Rudd’s character reacts in the same way.

Ant-Man post credits scene Marvel