
Paul Ryan Criticizes Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘Bias’ in Trump Comments

But it could have a bigger impact on the upcoming Republican National Convention, as it gives some legal cover to delegates wishing to vote their “conscience”, rather than for the candidate to whom they’re bound.


Cleveland’s Tower City Center is decorated for the impending visit of the Republican Convention site selection committee in 2006.

“Unfortunately, they are disenfranchising the majority of Republicans by denying them representation at the convention”.

All 2,472 delegates must approve the rules on the first day of the convention.

“There’s so much energy to do this”, said Dane Waters, co-founder of Delegates Unbound, one group challenging the widely held conventional wisdom that GOP rules require almost all delegates to back a specific candidate, based on state primaries and caucuses.

The proposal is to replace the lengthy, and in the view of some delegates, excessively detailed document with a 1,200-word statement of 17 core principles of the Republican party.

“Why do you have primaries?” said Peter Feaman, committee member of the Republican National Convention, reported PBS. “I’m hearing less and less of it, actually”. Marco Rubio and other former candidates.

“All I ask today is that you include me”, said Rachel Huff, a Republican delegate from Washington, D.C., who is openly gay.

The committee put final touches on the document during Tuesday sessions that featured more arguments about gay rights – not in the platform – than the prospect of Trump’s nomination next week.

Ryder’s explanation, however, offered an outline for how RNC leadership will answer delegates who insist they’re not bound to Trump on the floor. He says, “The storm is coming for Donald Trump” in Cleveland with the Dump Trump movement.

“Trump has said that he’s going to have the best people working for him and that the American people have been victimized by a professional political class of losers”.

As we said, he’s no Eisenhower. POLITICO reported that U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan would be addressing the convention for 10 minutes, focusing on the House agenda and the need to unite around Republican candidates.

The recent scandal involving her use of a private email server while secretary of state showed that she is either a liar or grossly incompetent, he said.

“Where it says ‘Children raised in a two-parent household, ‘ I want to insert before ‘two, ‘ ‘traditional….'”

Unruh, Waters and their allies have other options. “They are not there to represent the Democrats who voted in open primaries or, for that matter, the neo-Nazis and skinheads who came and voted in open primaries”.

“They may not retroactively change the rules by which they were elected”, counsel John Ryder said. The committee took tough stands against same sex marriage, abortion and gun control.


This year’s GOP convention comes at a time when the party is deeply divided and dissatisfied with their nominee. So, it’s a good bet that news coverage will resemble programming more commonly seen on the E! News stories displayed here appear in our category for General and are licensed via a specific agreement between and The Associated Press, the world’s oldest and largest news organization.

WASHINGTON DC- JULY 07 House Speaker Paul Ryan, speaks to the media during his weekly news conference on Capitol Hill