
Paul Ryan, Ron Johnson to speak Tuesday night at RNC

“Whatever he decides to do, I am a Pat Tiberi fan”, said Ohio Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, R-Clarksville”.


For his part, Trump basked in the success of officially becoming the Republican Party’s nominee after the roll call vote of state delegates Tuesday and said he is proud to be the party’s choice to battle Clinton in November.

Ryan’s delicate balancing act was on full display in June, when – not even a week after quietly endorsing Trump in his hometown paper following a month of indecision – he forcefully rebuked Trump’s attacks against a federal judge.

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s speech at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday evening wasn’t the red-meat rant of Rudy Giuliani the night before or the crowd-pleasing “prosecution” of Hillary Clinton that Chris Christie performed.

Like many Republicans, Ryan has expressed disdain with some of Donald Trump’s tactics and remarks. “Voting for anybody but Donald Trump means you’re voting for Hillary Clinton”.

In another powerful moment, Trump’s son Donald Jr., who earlier choked up after casting New York’s nominating votes that put his father over the top in the delegate count, vowed that his father would restore American potential. “We’re all on the same team, we all want the same thing”. Kasich is attending events outside of the Republican National Convention but not participating in it. Visit us on Facebook to weigh in with your questions and watch the latest videos. “Meanwhile, what choice has the other party made, in this incredible year filled with so many surprises?” But, also like many, he says that a Clinton White House would be worse.

He mentioned Trump’s name only once and near the end of his 15-minute address.

The party platform showed that, separate from their support for Trump, socially conservative issues continue to be a significant priority for Republicans. Trump’s formal nomination was remarkable for just how unremarkable that roll call turned out to be.

Ryan has always been seen as a rising star and some wealthy donors pushed Ryan, who was the vice presidential nominee in 2012, to run for president this year. “Against the dreary backdrop of arrogant bureaucracies, pointless mandates, reckless borrowing, willfull retreat from the world and all that progressives have in store for us”, Ryan said. “2016 is the year America moves on”, he said. So you don’t want to take away those entry-level jobs that give people hard and soft skills they need just to learn how to do work. “We know what things look like on foreign policy and national security and arrogance in government, size of the government, the economy, poverty, all of it”.

“Are we adding? Or are we adding and subtracting?” he said, sounding more like an election analyst than someone whose party’s future is in the balance. “But you’ll find me right there on the rostrum with Vice President Mike Pence and President Donald Trump”, Ryan said.


“This is the breadbasket, this is the core of the country”, he said.

9 Priceless Reactions to Paul Ryan's Bright White Intern Selfie (Photo)