
Paul Ryan says House can’t defund Planned Parenthood, points to oversight

White House press secretary Josh Earnest, however, found it “ironic” that Ryan would vehemently oppose immigration talk after he helped write immigration reform legislation two year ago. “That is why we feel that we have an obligation to the hard-working citizens of this country to show them how we would do things differently to tackle our country’s problems before they tackle us and to get things fixed, to advance our principles, to show how we can make things better for people who are struggling in America”. He is much more like his former running mate Mitt Romney in the flip-flopping to appease and appeal, yet – and this is the scary part – he lacks Romney’s gravitas.


The White House suggested Tuesday that it has the upper hand with congressional Republicans in year-end appropriations battles, saying new Speaker Paul Ryan can’t afford the political mess of a government shutdown. When the sure front-runner, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) dropped out of contention, Republican leadership was in crisis mode figuring out its next move.

“Given that the president tried to do an end-run around Congress”, Ryan said, “I don’t think that works”. Earlier this yr, Republicans & Democrats feuded over federal cash for Planned Parenthood after a collection of videos produced by an anti-abortion group informed the group was selling fetal body elements for revenue. “It’s a glimpse of how we should be doing the people’s business”.

“Also, I said this on Thursday to my colleagues and together, we’re going to go on offense”.

House Republicans are under pressure to pass the highway bill after rejecting a Senate measure this summer.

This isn’t about trusting the president, Speaker Ryan.

Ryan was voted into the position by members of Congress and took over for the departing John Boehner.

Speaker Ryan has established a reputation as a policy wonk and economic maven based on several glossy and well-promoted proposals.

We would likely not even be having this discussion if this president and this Justice Department would actually enforce the immigration laws on the books.

We value thoughtful comments representing a range of views that make their point quickly and politely. “Presidents don’t write laws”, Ryan said. Multiple times Sunday, he said the Republican Party had been “bold on tactics but timid on policy”, but, when pressed, offered few details on what that ambitious agenda might include. It looks as if Paul Ryan will get his chance to straddle the chasm in the months to come, unless his doubters decide he has already jumped to the wrong side.

In that context, it’s reasonable for Ryan to say that for the next year until the election, Republican lawmakers will spend their time not making laws, but making a case for the laws they’d like to make. The anti-amnesty wing of the GOP can’t accept that, clinging instead to the sort of fantasy promoted by Donald Trump, who says it would be easy and humane to deport the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.


“Democrats greeted me with a number of negative TV ads, and in every one of them Newt was in the ad”, Dole said in a 2012 statement attacking Gingrich while the latter man was amid his own presidential campaign.

Paul Ryan and the Poor