
Paul Ryan Says House Won’t Tackle Immigration Reform During Obama’s Term

Republicans are gunning for Planned Parenthood over nonexistent issues they pretended were proven in videos that actually showed nothing of the sort.


Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday laid out a plan that will allow House Republicans to provide feedback on outstanding spending bills before the December 11 deadline to fund the government. “We haven’t done that as a Republican Party, and we have to do that”.

While campaigning for Speaker of the House, Rep. Paul Ryan, R.-Wis.

Many conservatives were concerned that Ryan might cave to Obama’s pro-amnesty agenda based on past legislation he proposed. “We have an obligation to the hardworking citizens of this country to show them how we would do things differently”.

Does anyone seriously think that Paul Ryan’s hands are clean? So the president and senators worked together.

The news cycle this week was dominated with stories about Ryan moving to Boehner’s old office and having to clean out the cigarette smoke that went with that office – a legacy of the former speaker’s habit.

He is for bipartisanship, which is why a few of the more conservative members of the Republican Party are tired of Ryan.

Are you missing John Boehner yet? Ryan’s decision pushes off any comprehensive overhaul until at least 2017, after President Obama leaves office. On CNN yesterday, Ryan sent a message to the nation that Republicans couldn’t or wouldn’t be using the threat of another government shutdown to get their way with policy riders. Naturally, he cited the Constitution. This man is very serious. Businesses desperate for workers often can’t get them legally. Remember? “I don’t have the time”. This was after playing the Get Out of Jail Free Card that he hadn’t yet run the math. So no specifics, but you should just trust him that he’s a brilliant wonk. If Ryan had put his foot down and said “No” to this deal, it never would have happened. Ryan must have seen that this tactic didn’t work on anyone but the conservative base.

Increasing border security and pursuing reforms within the country’s interior are possible topics the GOP could negotiate with Obama, Ryan said. “Presidents don’t write laws; Congress does”.

“I do think that there are things we can find common ground on”, he said, citing funding the government and military spending.

Ryan, a congressman with great history in different committees, also wishes to have members of congress now in committees have a greater say and imprint in legislation.

Obama’s executive orders have given approximately five million immigrants in the country illegally a path to legal status. But what the American people do not have to believe, even if they might disagree with the current administration’s overall policies, is that it is the president that is untrustworthy on the issue of immigration. Ryan also said Obama can not be trusted on the issue because he chose to circumvent Congress and pass an executive order in 2014 to shield millions of undocumented immigrants in the USA from deportation. Ryan kills compromise he organized and then points fingers. He hasn’t the time to explain it to y’all.


Leading Senate Democrats said reauthorizing the bank and passing a multi-year roads bill should be at the top of Congress’ agenda.

US Speaker Paul Ryan Won't Work with Obama on Immigration