
Pay Attention to Hillary Clinton’s Reaction When Supporter Says He Wants to

It was 12 against one at the Republican debates in Milwaukee. “Carly Fiorina can beat Hillary Clinton”.


“Unfortunately that’s the political season we’re in”, the candidate said.

A federal appeals court has ruled against President Barack Obama’s plan to protect an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally from deportation.

Even the audience got into the act.

Karpinski’s comment on winning speaks to his group’s history of endorsing the candidate more likely to win, as opposed to those most ideologically in line with their group. The man told her that Fiorina laid off over 40,000 people.

On the eve of Veteran’s Day, Fiorina also darkly predicted that a Clinton presidency would lead to impoverished care for US military veterans.

“I know that Buffalo still has a really important place in her heart and when she’s President of the United States she will not forget us”, said Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul. Because of the Clinton way. Carly Fiorina can beat Hillary Clinton.

Clinton also pointed to the recent Russian plane crash, saying if an affiliate of the Islamic State group “put a bomb on that charter plane, that raises the stakes not just for the United States but for others”.

She called for a number of changes, including greater coordination among government agencies charged with the care of veterans and expanded access to mental health services.

Veteran Carl Soderberg, who served in Iraq, was concerned about base realignments and downsizing asked what the military would look like under a Clinton presidency. “She gave an excellent speech”.

Clinton has taken hits for being slow to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline and for what The National Journal refers to as “a mixed record on environmental and energy issues”.

Rubio’s fellow fortysomething, Texas Sen.

– Senator Ted Cruz, criticizing Washington’s current tax system and calling for a simple across-the-board flat tax of 10 percent.

Chris Christie, the New Jersey governor who is desperate for a leg up in the race, mentioned her over and over again.

“Believe me, Hillary Clinton’s coming for your wallet, everybody”.

Clinton stayed above the back-and-forth on Monday when she accepted the endorsement, instead focusing on her environmental platform.

Carpenter said Clinton “is pretty much showing feminism at its worst”. How can America’s men and women in uniform trust Clinton to fight for us when she won’t even acknowledge the problems we face?


Sanders tweeted five times throughout the night.
