
Pelosi Not Concerned About New Clinton Email Revelations

“I think that the secretary of state deals with a large number of issues”, the California Democrat told the “CBS This Morning” program. “Why did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash emails?” he wrote.


Hillary Clinton claimed ignorance Monday about Bleachbit, the software device advertised for its ability to “prevent recovery” of files, that was used to delete emails from her private server. [AP Photo/Mel Evans] Per the most recent revelations found in the Friday afternoon document dump from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and their interview with former President William “Bill” Clinton’s employee Justin Cooper, the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents discovered Hillary Clinton’s phone decisions were based upon comfort in communications, not safeguarding State secrets.

“I went into the State Department understanding classification”, she said.

Clinton claimed to have turned over all State Department-related emails. One who has been so careless and dishonest as secretary of state now asks for Americans to trust her with the highest office in the land.

According to the FBI’s notes, “an intense round of deleting” began weeks after lawmakers subpoenaed Clinton’s emails following the New York Times report exposing her secret server. “Abedin recalled that at the start of Clinton’s tenure, State advised personal e-mail accounts could not be linked to State mobile devices and, as a result, Hillary Clinton chose to use a personal device in order to avoid carrying multiple devices”.

And she said she was unaware that aides had erased 23 days of emails, after revelations about the private server became public.

In other words, Hillary Clinton was so anxious to completely erase e-mails about her daughter’s wedding plans and her yoga lessons that she ordered her people to use software created to demolish every digital trace of e-mail.

“Why do you think?” he said.

With clownish reality TV star Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton must get a pass on her email shenanigans.


The message had a “C” printed on it, denoting that it was classified as “Confidential”.

The Weasel in Hillary Clinton: Why That May Not Be a Bad Thing