
Pence breaks from Trump, endorses Speaker Ryan for Ryan’s upcoming primary

In the midst of the uproar over his continued criticism of the Khan family, Trump infuriated Priebus and other party leaders by refusing to endorse GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan’s re-election.


“Very much appreciated.” Nehlen has been tweeting articles and comments supporting the Republican presidential nominee, even as Trump was getting hit by top Republicans for his comments about the Khan family.

“I don’t see, generally speaking, Paul Ryan as a vulnerable incumbent”, UWM Professor Mordecai Lee said.

A Ryan aide told FOX6 News Wednesday this whole Trump endorsement situation is frustrating, but said Ryan still endorses Trump.

“The campaign is doing really well”.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is reportedly not pleased.

Trump’s campaign Wednesday announced the results of his July fundraising ahead of the August 20 deadline to report the numbers to the Federal Election Commission.

The GOP source insisted that there was no real movement yet to prepare for Trump exiting the race – a step that would be unprecedented in modern politics.

He also questioned why Republican leaders who have crossed swords with their own party’s candidate continue to support him. “He should be reporting in-kind contributions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for God sakes”.

Pence said that he discussed his endorsement of Ryan with Trump on Wednesday morning.

“I strongly support Paul Ryan, strongly endorse his re-election”, Pence said in a phone interview on Fox News today.

Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence is breaking with the Republican nominee by endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan in his primary fight. “And I’m just not quite there yet”, Trump told the Post, offering praise for Ryan’s longshot opponent, Paul Nehlen, for running “a very good campaign”.

McCain has also criticized Trump in recent weeks for his statements that he might not back North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies who haven’t been fulfilling their financial obligations to the alliance.

Privately, however, Trump has concerns about his own team.

“He’s incapable of changing”.

“You have nominated a man for President who never quits, who never backs down, who is a fighter, a victor”, said Pence.

Former Trump adviser Barry Bennett acknowledged signs of poor morale among the campaign staff he maintains contact with, but he also said it would be silly dismiss Trump’s chances with three months before Election Day.

A 30-second TV advert released yesterday shows clips of 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, former secretary of defence Robert Gates, former Central Intelligence Agency director Michael Hayden and others questioning his temperament and foreign policy experience.

“This is the first I’m hearing of that”, Manafort said on Fox News.

“I think what Donald Trump said is he’s not there yet”, Pence said.


The numbers mark a significant upswing since May, when he was badly outraised by Democratic rival Clinton.

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