
Pence Calls for Investigation Into Overlap Between Clinton Foundation, State Deptartment

He concluded Mrs. Clinton deleted work-related emails before turning them over to the State Department, despite her claims otherwise.


Band emailed former aides at the Department Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin in April 2009 to secure a post for an associate.

Not to CNN, but worse says one watchdog group, not to the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee which has a right to know. The overlap also appears to violate an agreement Clinton made with the White House before taking over at the State Department to avoid conflicts of interest with the Clinton Foundation.

Banks informed the field offices about suspicious activity concerning the Clinton Foundation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation sought to probe conflicts of interest arising out of foreign donations, according to the documents, which carry 296 pages of emails from the Democratic presidential nominee, released by Judicial Watch. The State Department did not officially respond to the letter.

‘For Bill Clinton to come out now and say that this is a bunch of “bull”, why then did he have this secret meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona to make sure he could tap down any kind of prosecution that comes from the DOJ. “And the government should be turning that information over, when you have a breakdown in that system, we have a breakdown in our democracy”.

The documents included 44 emails, among them were emails from Bill Clinton’s advisor Douglas Band, urgently trying to arrange a meeting between the State Department’s top official for Lebanon, and Clinton Foundation donor Gilbert Chagoury. I mean, this is what top aides do. “They show the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors, and operatives worked with Hillary Clinton in potential violation of the law”.

The State Department has not asked federal agencies to search their archives for Clinton emails.

Again it was revealed that Mrs. Clinton signed a classified information non-disclosure agreement when she took office in January 2009 in which she acknowledged that classified information should be considered classified whether it is marked or unmarked.

When Bill Clinton gives his opinion, he really gives his opinion.

“Clinton has repeatedly looked in the eyes of the American people and lied to their face in order to hide her unethical and reckless conduct as secretary of state while furthering her own self-interest”, Priebus said in a statement.


Some of the emails Clinton didn’t turn over suggested she may have rewarded foundation donors and helped the foundation collect millions of dollars from controversial countries and organizations.

Former US President Bill Clinton speaks on behalf of his wife and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during a 2016 Presidential Election Forum hosted by Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote and Asian American Journalists Assoc