
Pence campaign unveils new logo

It’s not just the Trump logo that needs to be ditched, America should kick Trump to the gutter – where he belongs.


While Trump’s pick drew little attention given that news media had been reporting Pence’s name for almost 24 hours, the campaign’s newly minted logo certainly did.

That’s the slogan plastered across the bottom of the new logo for presidential candidate Donald Trump and his VP pick Mike Pence. Do you really think that a Trump logo would be a sex act? He added that he’s not surprised Trump’s campaign withdrew the logo, as it failed to have the intended emotional impact. The red, white and blue logo shows a giant, phallic T penetrating a helpless P while some red stripes stand off to the side, powerless to interfere. But regardless of the social commentary being directed at the GOP logo, it is pretty obvious that Trump has chosen a weaker man than himself to be his running mate, simply to placate the masses, and if Trump does win the election, he will have just the right “partner” in this unusual marriage.

Asked what a good logo should do, Skolos said it should be memorable. “They did an excellent job of encapsulating that in a very simple device”. He slammed the beige text in Ben Carson’s logo as reflecting “the worst parts” of his character, and said that Chris Christie’s logo “looks like it’s been placed on a brick wall with some of the bricks missing”.


Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s logo, which was also widely derided when first released, remains rock solid months later.

The Suggestive Trump-Pence Logo Is Fueling All Kinds of Comedic Creativity