
Pence endorses Holcomb as next GOP nominee for governor

As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2000 until his election as governor in 2013, Mr. Pence had a “reputation as a culture warrior (that) was unsullied”, according to Roll Call.


But instead of accolades, the Texas Senator’s refusal to honor his pledge and support the Republican nominee inspired angry chants of “Endorse Trump!” from the delegates who booed him off the stage.

Sabrina Ahmed had the opportunity to talk to Governor Mike Pence on Thursday. “And so, I guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket”, Pence joked.

Ted Cruz essentially gave a career-ending speech at the GOP convention on Wednesday night.

Eight and a half hours later at the Shoreby Club, Mike and Karen Pence returned to their Hoosier peeps.

“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican”, Pence said.

He said he would “pray daily for a wise and discerning heart” to govern. As you can imagine, they are very excited, but also a bit overwhelmed by everything that’s happened this last week. “You know depending on who they pick there could be more changes on the ticket”, said Bassler. Previously, he worked as a lawyer, president of the Indiana Policy Review, political talk radio show host and US congressman.

CHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie often makes the point that the conservative movement has many effective spokesmen and women, what the movement lacks is leaders.

“What Donald Trump did was genius in balancing the ideological and geographic perspective and the style factor that people may want to see”.

His backstab will surely go down as one of the most selfish and ungracious convention stunts in modern political history. “So, let’s resolve here and now that Hillary Clinton will never become President of the United States of America”, Pence said. In the end, the governor said that while he disagreed with the archdiocese’s action, he would not block food stamps and other state aid for the family.

“Indiana is a state that works because conservative principles work every time you put them into practice”, Pence said. He added of his roots, “Now if you know anything about Hoosiers, when we suit up, we love to win”. From signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (and his stubbornly awkward attempts at revisions), to the still-born state-run news agency “Just IN”, to turning down $80 million in federal funds for a preschool pilot program, Pence just keeps failing Indiana.

The Pence nomination has created what some might call a unusual political scenario in IN state Republican politics.

This caucus is in “tossup” territory, with Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb a nominal favorite based on the “next man up” sentiment.

Rep. Susan Brooks, Todd Rokita and Sen. He describes the IN governor as someone who is loved by Conservatives and has ties with the Republican party, but does not have much “chemistry” with Trump.


“Mr. Trump was my fifth choice, but she has said all along that he would surround himself with capable people”, he said. For her, the key questions are which nominee can raise money and which one would be the most electable in a 100-day sprint race against Democrat John Gregg. In doing so he framed the election in just the right way to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence arrives at Trump Tower in Manhattan New York