
Pence: Fallen Muslim soldier’s family ‘should be cherished’

The Republican presidential nominee said Khan didn’t “have the right” to suggest Trump didn’t understand the US Constitution.


Trump broke a political and societal taboo over the weekend when he criticized Khizr and Ghazala Khan.

Kasich was joined by Bush on Twitter in slamming Trump.

He passionately declared: “Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. We’re a better country because of you”. “I think I’ve done a lot”.

“That’s all I wish to convey to him”.

The escalations, coming at the start of the general election campaign, were the latest in an exchange that is dominating the presidential race and has frayed Trump’s already delicate alliance with GOP leaders.

When I asked Sebastian for comment on Trump’s comments attacking the Khans, he said: “Senator Ward would disagree with that”. Blunt also said the Khans “deserve to be heard and respected”. I love my soldiers….

“I want his family to counsel him, teach him some empathy”, he told CNN. That is not our style.

In an interview on ABC Sunday, Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin is “not going into Ukraine”. “What they’ve sacrificed is just unbelievable”. That initiated this conversation. “Together, we should pray for his family”. “And he should listen to America, what America and the world is telling about the remarks, about the lack of empathy, and that’s all I wish to convey to him”.

But you don’t even need to buy one. He accused the Khan family of keeping the soldier’s mom, Ghazala Khan, quiet as part of an anti-woman dictate of Islam. “We had been patiently subjected to the maligning of this candidate for a whole year”. He also thanked Khan’s father, Khizr, and mother Ghazala for immigrating to the United States, saying: “We’re a better country because of you”. That’s why when I saw the picture at my back I couldn’t take it, and I controlled myself at that time.

“Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military, and made the ultimate sacrifice”, he continued in the statement. “So I’m thankful for everything that America has given me”.

Khan held up a pocket Constitution and offered to lend it to Trump.

Statements came in slowly throughout the day on Monday, and only by request from The Post and Courier.

“Donald Trump is a sexist and racist man who insults Gold Star parents, stokes fear of Muslims and sows hatred of Latinos”.

Khan had said she didn’t speak because she was still overwhelmed by grief and couldn’t even look at photos of her son without crying.

In a statement, Pence said that both he and Trump believe Humayun Khan is “an American hero” adding that his family “should be cherished by every American”.

A spokeswoman for McCain, who faces an August Republican primary in his bid for a sixth term, confirmed Monday that he is sticking to his support for Trump. “While they draw media attention that was useful to his candidacy in a 17-person primary, they do not win the hearts and minds of the independent voter essential in a two-way contest”.

“However, the Khan’s anger should be directed against those who sent their son into an unnecessary war, like Hillary Clinton and John McCain whose reckless policies and fuzzy Utopian ideals have destabilized the Middle East and triggered a massive refugee crisis, which they want to import into the fatten up the welfare rolls”.

“I don’t know where the boundaries are”. “I don’t know where the bottom is”. Kelly Ayotte, a Republican seeking re-election in one of the nation’s most competitive Senate contests.

Speaker Ryan released a statement on Sunday pushing back against Trump’s narrative.

In a speech at the Democratic National Convention last week, Muslim lawyer Khizr Khan talked about his son, Capt. Humayun Khan.


The couple’s son, US Army Capt Humayun Khan, was killed by a vehicle bomb in 2004 in Iraq at the age of 27. Trump wrote in the first of two tweets. Am I not allowed to respond?

Mary Altaffer  AP