
Pence holding ‘town hall’ campaign event in North Carolina

On the other side of that coin, new fundraising numbers for Trump released Wednesday show a surprising level of grassroots giving to his campaign and progressive critics continue to warn both the Clinton campaign and media figures of dangers associated with bashing Trump too much or repeating the idea that Trump can’t possibly win. We have different styles – you might have noticed that.


Jeanne Eskew, who attended a recent Pence rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, said she hopes Pence can “balance” Trump out.

This is Pence’s second visit to the Tar Heel State in the last two weeks.

“He should have expected he would do some of this and provide more of the even-tempered, articulate, measured responses”, Black said.

Pence’s explanation comes following a few notable breaks between Donald Trump and his running mate.

“Not since Ronald Reagan in my lifetime has there been a man or woman at the national level who has heard the frustrations and the aspirations of the American people the way (Trump) does”, Pence said. Pence introduced himself to the crowd at the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts as a Christian, conservative, and Republican – “in that order”, he said.

The Republican nominee’s feud with the Khan family made for an awkward moment for Pence at a campaign event in Carson City, Nevada.

An 11-year-old Donald Trump supporter called out an MSNBC anchor on Friday over her description of a question the boy had asked of Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. ” Matthew asked Pence from the audience”. Reagan said it’s morning in America.

Schricker said he started supporting Trump shortly after he annouced his candidacy.


Campaign spokesman Marc Lotter didn’t respond to a request to interview Pence about his relationship with Trump. That may be an added reason for Pence’s cautious approach. “The enthusiasm that I sense of his candidacy I think is because Donald Trump has connected with the aspirations and frustrations of millions of American’s, like no president in my lifetime except Ronald Reagan”.

Pence bowls an orange down plane aisle