
Pence logo gives some people the giggles

Hillary Clinton’s campaign team was quick to criticize likely general election opponent Donald Trump’s choice of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate on Friday.


Trump’s pick was aimed in part at easing some Republicans’ concerns about his temperament and lack of political experience.

Viewed as a safe pair of hands, Pence, 57, has diverging views with Trump on his proposed Muslim ban and trade, and is more socially conservative. “Donald Trump and Mike Pence-building a great, big, attractive wall between America and progress” is the final phrase of the video. And his solidly conventional political background runs counter to Mr. Trump’s anti-establishment mantra.

Mr. Pence, who met with his potential boss on Friday at New York’s Trump Tower, told reporters he was “very excited, very humbled, and very grateful”.

In choosing Pence, Trump also appears to be looking past their numerous policy differences. A reaction that meets Trump’s expectations to unite the Republican Party. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said that Pence has experience inside and outside Washington and shows a lot of maturity. He has deep ties to evangelical Christians and other conservatives, particularly after signing a law previous year that critics said would have allowed businesses to deny service to gay people for religious reasons.

Brandishing his running mate’s job-creating credentials, Trump ticked through a list of statistics he said showed how Pence had pulled IN out of economic recessions: an unemployment rate that fell to less than 5 percent on his watch, an uptick IN the labor force and a decrease IN IN residents on unemployment insurance.

Clinton is in the midst of making her own vice presidential pick.

“Clinton’s leadership as secretary of state, as you can see unfolding today in Ankara, Turkey, with an attempted coup, has literally left the wider Middle East and Arab world in shambles”, he said.

That’s according to a Republican with direct knowledge of the process, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to publicly discuss the details of Trump’s search for a running mate.

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has announced that Indiana Governor Mike Pence will be his running mate and pick for vice president. “So he said, “I want to postpone it”, Manafort said. Now, his hometown is reacting to the news that he’ll be number two on Donald Trump’s presidential ticket.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, strongly rejected suggestions that the candidate considered changing his mind about Pence.

Trump’s hectic decision-making process was made more complicated by the fact that the businessman was in California Thursday for a series of fundraisers, isolated from almost all of his closest advisers, including his three adult children and his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.


Mr Trump was wise not to have picked the more explosive Mr Gingrich or Mr Christie, Professor Sabato said. He tells The Associated Press that a highly publicized push to dump Trump during next week’s convention is a “nothing burger”. He also endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz prior to Indiana’s May primary – Rounds was not an early supporter of Trump.

Donald Trump Mike Pence VP 2016