
Pence pick brings abortion debate to the forefront

Trump announced on Twitter Friday morning that he’s selected Pence as his running mate, capping a wild 24 hours of speculation interrupted by the truck attack in Nice, France, that left scores dead. Then again, anyone with a halfway-respectable record in public office would have been an odd partner. He calls Pence a “thoughtful, sensible conservative” who can function well in Congress and lead a state.


The Republican Party is already working to raise money right off Donald Trump’s decision to name Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) as his running mate. “The only thing I can guess is that Trump wants to make sure that everyone knows that he’s in charge”.

“That means your First Amendment rights end at the tip of your opponent’s nose – even in the matter of political rhetoric”, Pence wrote, though he backtracked in the face of a hard re-election campaign in Indiana.

Clinton is in the midst of making her own vice presidential pick.

The Clinton campaign was prepared for Trump’s selection. The same is true for Paul Singer, a NY hedge-funder worth $2 billion who had been supporting Pence, according to a Republican source.

“The reason anyone in America could pick Mike Pence out of a one man lineup is because of his long history of targeted political attacks against the care provided at Planned Parenthood health centers in IN and across the country”.

Now that he’s Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence has withdrawn from the IN governor’s race. Susan Brooks and Todd Rokita – against Democratic nominee John Gregg, the former Indiana House speaker who Pence narrowly beat in 2012.

Donald Trump is set to make his first public appearance with his chosen running mate – Indiana Gov. Mike Pence – on Saturday morning in NY. Campaign chairman Paul Manafort said in television interviews on Friday that the Republican candidate would announce his choice before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, which begins on Monday.

Clinton’s campaign says Pence was an early advocate for the tea party in Congress – and as governor, pushed a law that discriminated against gays and lesbians and alienated businesses in Indiana.

Priebus says Pence offers a “very different style that I think shows a lot of maturity” on Trump’s part.

Pence was up for re-election, and state law prohibits candidates from being on ballots in two contests. Trump’s formal announcement came about an hour before Pence’s noon Friday deadline for withdrawing.

“We must elect this strong leader for one more reason: Because Hillary Clinton must never become president of the United States of America”, Pence said at Grand Park Events Center in Westfield on Tuesday. Ironically, Christie travelled with Trump to IN in April to help introduce the candidate to Pence when Trump was trying to win his endorsement ahead of India’s primary.


Pence endorsed Trump’s rival Ted Cruz instead.

Donald Trump's tweet announcing the selection of Mike Pence as running mate