
Pence Releases Ten Years Of Tax Returns

Pence’s income topped out at $187,000 while he was still a member of Congress.


Friday’s tax return release also showed that, during the 2006-2015 period, Pence and his wife made almost $120,000 in charitable contributions.

An analysis of just his federal taxes shows he paid an effective rate since 2006 that ranges between 6.4 and 12 percent, based on his family’s adjusted gross income.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign praised Pence for releasing his returns but called on Trump to do the same in keeping with a USA political tradition that dates back to the 1976 elections.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have released tax returns dating back to the late 1970s, and returns from 1992 through 2015 can be easily found on the internet.

Major-party presidential nominees have publicly released their taxes since 1976, but Trump is the exception. For now the Republican nominee for the presidency officially believes that Obama was indeed born where he was indeed born, the United States. They have three children, the youngest of whom is still in college. Most Americans pay under a 15 percent income tax rate.

On average, the Pence family gave 10 percent of their take-home income to charity. Her running mate, Virginia Sentor Tim Kaine, also released 10 years of tax returns last month.

Although Trump has said he won’t release his returns while he is being audited, there’s no IRS prohibition against doing so.

Pence refused to answer whether Trump has shared his secret strategy with his running mate: “I’ll keep our private conversations private”, he said.

“There’s absolutely no record ever if Hillary Clinton or anyone in her campaign ever saying that President Obama is not legitimate”, he said, after scolding Giuliani for laughing about the issue. A spokesperson for #Hillary Clinton, Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds, said Trump has “continued to hide behind fake excuses to avoid coming clean with the American people”. Mr Trump has said another condition under which he’d release the information is if Mrs Clinton released e-mails that were deleted from the private server she used as secretary of state, an arrangement that has emerged as one of her biggest political liabilities and one the Federal Bureau of Investigation director called careless.

Since joining the ticket, Pence has made jokes about his own net worth – especially when compared to Trump.


“At least if you’re going to waterboard me, I get a choice: I can tell you the information, I can talk my way out of it”, Giuliani said, chuckling.

'Birther' no more: Trump campaign concedes Obama is US-born