
Pence Stops for Haircut From Barber Who Doesn’t Recognize Him

Pence, the IN governor and running mate for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, said each member of the crowd would be more critical to driving people to vote than any “headline or tweet” and he said North Carolina, considered a toss-up swing state, would mean each vote carries significant weight.


Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence will be making a campaign stop Monday in Cedar Rapids.

When it comes to deportations, can you explain to me Donald Trump’s immigration policy? Several candidates eyeing the nation’s top spot have already made stops here, hoping to woo local voters.

Mike Pence sat down in Henry Jones’ barbershop in Norristown, Pa., Tuesday, during a campaign swing – and the media came along for the ride. John McCain during his presidential campaign in 2008. “Mike Pence”, the IN governor responded.

Conway takes over for her first full week as polls show Trump trailing Hillary Clinton.

Jones was surprised: “Oh boy”, he said, adding, “This is history over here, I’m telling you”.

Pipersville resident Jeff Olewine, a Trump supporter who attended the rally with his 12-year-old Josh, said Pence’s political know-how and personal style will serve Trump well and help the ticket in places like Bucks County.

Trump is so full of it that even his own running mate doesn’t believe what he is saying.

Pence also said the country has been neither smart nor tough in defending from global trade. They spend all their time parsing every word Donald Trump has said in the last 30 minutes. He held an August 4 town hall meeting in Raleigh. Trump and Mike Pence just seem to get it. “I think more people have been hearing Donald Trump than has been let on, and the number is growing”.


A group of “silent voters” who don’t vocalize their Trump support out of fear of criticism may be growing, Simon said.

Mike Pence North Carolina