
Pence stumps in Tucson, Phoenix for Trump

Pence is spending the week campaigning and fundraising, and will make two stops in Arizona, where he is scheduled to meet with Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican and former prisoner of war who released a sharply worded rebuke Monday of Trump’s statements against the Khan family.


After calling Capt. Khan an “American hero”, Pence told the audience that Trump is devoted to veterans.

Earlier in the week, McCain was very critical of Trump’s handling of the controversy over the fallen Muslim soldier whose parents blasted Trump at the Democratic National Convention. “I got more people coming up to me and saying thank you for my courage”, Byrne said.

“We’re talking about American values, but when it comes time to pay the dues, we always distract ourselves with boisterousness”, he said, pointing to the Fox marquee with Pence’s name on it.

Pence’s role in the Trump camp has angered some. “I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures”, Trump said in the ABC interview.

Since then, Trump has complained he was “viciously” attacked by the couple and suggested Ghazala Khan might not have been “allowed” to speak, implying her silence reflected restrictions placed on women by some traditional Muslims. Barbara Weisenthal said she booed Byrne because the Town Hall-style event was “probably not the best place to do that”.

This isn’t the first time Pence has come to Trump’s defense since he joined the campaign in July.

“Time and time again Trump has disrespected our nation’s armed forces and veterans and his disrespect for Mr. Khan and his family is an example of that. He’s a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers”, said Pence.

Jack Christenson, himself a veteran, said Byrne may have had the right to ask her question, but not “to violate everyone else’s rights”, which he said she did by speaking out at the event.

Pence has fielded several calls from top Republican donors and political figures, easing their concerns about Trump’s recent comments.

And so far, McCain, Ryan and other Republicans who’ve reluctantly declared that they plan to back Trump for president appear to be sticking with him.


“Upon scheduling a trip to Arizona, Governor Pence’s office reached out to John McCain to request a meeting”, Lorna Romero, a spokeswoman for McCain’s campaign told The Hill.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Briar Woods High School Tuesday Aug. 2 2016 in Ashburn Va