
Pence VP decision could scramble IN politics

Trump has indicated he will name a running mate this week ahead of the Republican convention in Cleveland, which begins July 18.


Watching Donald Trump search for a running mate in the November election is a lot like watching a horse race.

After meeting with the company, Pence said he did not want to give IN workers “false hope” that the jobs would stay IN their state.

This photo combination of file images shows Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, left, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“Who ever the gubernatorial candidate might be if mike pence is in fact the Vice Presidential candidate for the republican party”.

While much of the letter mocked Pence’s supposed ambition for higher office, the letter also hammered Pence’s past policy proposals, citing his decision to refuse federal funding for pre-kindergarten education program and his initial support for his state’s so-called religious freedom law that allowed businesses to deny services to LGBT individuals.

It’s worth mentioning that Mike Pence isn’t the only potential VP who attended events alongside Donald Trump lately.

As a staunch social conservative, Pence is seen as someone who could help Trump with Christian conservatives who have been skeptical of Trump’s position on social issues such as gay rights and abortion.

Supporters say Pence also brings the experience of six terms in Congress. Despite opposition from many Republican allies in the state legislature, Pence was a staunch advocate for the small preschool pilot program that launched in 2015. The burial/cremation requirement backs up a law passed in 2015 by Gov. Pence requiring that aborted babies’ bodies be disposed of in a humane way.

“I will make my mind up over the next three to four days”, he said. He campaigned Monday in Virginia with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has gone through a “full vet” for the spot, a source familiar with Trump’s vice presidential selection process said.

If Pence eventually does want to be president, accepting Trump’s VP offer if it comes might be his best play.

“I don’t know who I’m going to vote for yet, but I think it’s exciting that he’s here and putting Westfield on the map”, Westfield resident Sandy Kirsch said.

“I don’t need two anti-establishment people”, Trump said.

Other top tier candidates for the vice presidential slot are also appearing with Trump. As Governor, Pence has not been shy about promoting agriculture, including driving a combine Cass County, “The technology involved in agriculture today is truly inspiring”.


The 22-member Republican state committee would choose a new nominee.

Trump narrows the field for a running mate