
Pennsylvania prosecutor seeks to draw attention from charges

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, charged last week with unlawfully leaking secret grand jury information, is making a statement at a Harrisburg press conference.


“As I stand under indictment and fighting for everything I believe in, and have stood for all my life, these individuals believe that they are on the precipice of their ultimate goal: the burial of the email chain and their involvement in it forever”, Kane said. Then asking Carpenter to name the unnamed by authorizing the release of all the offensive emails (currently under grand-jury seal). Kane has been charged with obstructing the administration of law, official oppression, perjury, criminal conspiracy and false swearing.

“I think the story I’m about to tell will raise some very troubling questions of its own”, says Kane. Many suggested Kane is using pornographic emails as a smokescreen.

The trail of emails has been hidden by a veil of grand jury secrecy, she contended.

Attorney Sam Stretton of West Chester, who has defended numerous attorneys accused of wrongdoing, also questioned the defense strategy. He pleaded not guilty. Kane could remain attorney general during the 10 days she would have to fight a suspension.

She maintained the charges filed against her are part of an effort to prevent the release of pornographic emails that would embarrass high ranking officials. “I neither conspired with anyone, nor directed anyone to do anything illegal or unlawful”.

Patrick Reese, a former police chief who is Kane’s driver and head of her security detail, was arraigned Tuesday on a contempt charge involving allegations that he violated a judge’s protective order by accessing emails in a state computer system to keep tabs on the grand jury investigation for his boss. Ms. Kane declined to press charges against the legislators. Kane also wants the state Judicial Disciplinary Board to hold off on any action against her law license until a judge releases the emails. “Pennsylvania is safer now than it has ever been”, she said, and added: “Maybe more public employees need to be distracted”. But others in her office testified that she’d seen the story weeks earlier. You go to bed thinking about the charges. “She is entitled to her day in court”, Wolf said.

The substance within the 85 baked goods seized was described the attorney general’s office as a “potent form of cannabis”. “But in the meantime, I am calling on her to step aside”.


Attempts to reach Carpenter for comment Wednesday were unsuccessful.

AG Kane won't take questions at press conference, spokesman says