
People Are Rickrolling In Super Mario Maker

A Nintendo spokesman said: “The end of year line-up for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS is going to feature a vast array of games coming exclusively to Wii U and Nintendo 3DS this year”.


Super Mario Maker will launch for the Wii U on September 11, 2015.

Nintendo has recently distributed a ton of information regarding release dates and other video game details to video game media sites – although without an accompanying Nintendo Direct presentation – which includes the official release date for “Super Mario Maker“. You can also put in coins, question mark boxes, and everything else you would expect in a Mario game.

For players who are wondering how the game will start because of its concept, it will initially kick off with 100 levels, similar to its usual Super Mario games, expected to grow with all the community content that the players will build.

iDigitalTimes Editor Mo Mozuch and I each built a level for the other to attempt.


It collects the original NES “Super Mario Bros.”, “Super Mario Bros”. That means players won’t have access to this level, or any of the levels made during this period, when the game launches. 3″, “Super Mario World”, and “New Super Mario Bros. It turns out, not even Super Mario Maker is safe; here’s what a writer from Siliconera encountered when she played through a map level titled “All the costumes unlocked”. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

There's some very good news if you still own a Nintendo console