
Periscope Gets Better Maps, Skip Ahead And 3D Touch Shortcuts Including ‘Teleport’

The new update also brings forth a new version of the app’s Global Map feature. This capability was originally introduced back in June with a handful of limitations.


The revamped version bring with it “major improvements”, says Periscope.

Twitter-owned Periscope got the Global Map as a solution to offer live streaming of broadcasts from worldwide regions in the past. Included among the new goodies for users of Periscope for iOS is teleporting, a feature courtesy of 3D Touch support that will transport you to a random part of the world and drop you right into a broadcast from there. But the map showed only live broadcasts (i.e., replays of streams are excluded) and up to 250 broadcasts only.

Bear in mind that livestreams are denoted with red dots, while replays from the last 24 hours are indicated with blue dots. It doesn’t matter which area of the world you want to zoom in on, it’ll show any broadcasts, past or present. Exclusive to the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, Periscope 1.3 introduces support for the 3D shortcuts. The app will display a preview as you scrub through a replay, and you can drag up and down to adjust the seek speed. It can be done by pressing down on Replay and swiping it left or right to rewind or forward, respectively. This should make it even better to discover new Periscope content in the areas you care about instead of being limited to times where folks are live.

“We love this shortcut because we’ve always wanted Periscope to feel like teleportation”, the Periscope team wrote.

Broadcast - Quickly start a public broadcast.

Broadcast Mutuals - Starts a private broadcast that only your mutual followers see (people you follow, who also follow you).


Designed for iPhone and iPod touch, Periscope is available on the App Store for free.

Periscope Gets Better Maps, Skip Ahead And 3D Touch Shortcuts Including 'Teleport'