
Periscope Has 10 Million Users (Kinda)

Now it wants you to know that people are actually using the product, or at least taking the time to download the app and check it out. Success for broadcasters means more time watched on their broadcasts.


It’s fair to say that nowadays we have more ways of accessing media than we know what to do with – the likes of iTunes to Spotify, iPlayer, Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video all serving up content ranging from free, to pay-to-play, to subscription services. The company noted that time watched, which Periscope says “is the metric we care about most”, has significantly increased since launching four months ago.

Beykpour also fielded some feature requests during the broadcast.

Twitter’s entry into the live mobile streaming game appears to be paying off, as the company has announced that Periscope now has 10 million registered accounts.

The pair also shared some metrics on the success which show that, since its launch on 26 March, the service has seen over 40 years of video watched per day.

But to help with some context, Periscope also revealed that it now has just under 1.9 million daily active users on iOS and Android.

Interestingly, in its blog post, Periscope’s team spent more than 300 words explaining why it’s using “time watched” as its chief metric instead of daily average users or monthly average users.

And apparently the Periscope team is more focused on a different metric: total time watched per day.

Periscope, the video broadcasting and streaming service Twitter acquired earlier this year, has released some data on its users, including that it now has more than 10 million registered accounts.


Periscope and Meerkat, considered the two breakout apps of 2015, started out neck and neck, but Periscope, benefiting from its association with Twitter, as well as its distribution on the social network, quickly pulled ahead and has continued racing forward.

Periscope has nearly 1.9 million daily active users on iOS and Android