
Perry challenges Trump to a pull-up contest

In fact, Miller added, “we look forward to it”. Along with that, he pushed for extra congressional oversight of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was created by Dodd-Frank. “I’m exhausted of politicians bashing Wall Street while ignoring the sins of Washington, D.C. It was Washington regulators who fell asleep at the switch”, he said.


He explained that it was during the Clinton administration that “seeds were sown” which would eventually harm America’s middle-class. “Where government officials reward cronies in pet industries, forcing taxpayers to pick up the tab for companies like Solyndra, or quasi-public entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac“.

Perry, in the past, has employed rhetoric that drew critical notice among bankers, especially during the 2012 presidential race when, in talking about then-Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, he suggested that “we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas”.

With bitcoin still struggling to gain mainstream approval, the cryptocurrency has been largely absent on the campaign trail for most of the 2016 Presidential hopefuls.

The speech, held at the ritzy Yale Club in Manhattan, featured some of Perry’s most populist language since he launched his campaign. In previous speeches, Perry has pointed out how overly restrictive housing laws end up hurting low-income Americans the most. “Democrats have a 1915 view of the 2015 economy”, he said, according to the Texas Tribune.

Mr. Perry was feted by several business leaders, including John Catsimatidis, the Republican billionaire who ran for mayor two years ago.


Former Texas Governor Rick Perry issued a call for stronger Wall Street reform on Wednesday, endorsing stiffer capital requirements for banks and pledging to never bail out financial institutions should he become president. After he struggled in a televised debate to name the three governmental agencies he wanted to eliminate, his stock plummeted. When the housing bubble burst, more Texans avoided being underwater on their mortgages because they had not been able to borrow the full value of their homes. “If you are African American or Hispanic, you live in the state that has the number one graduation rate for you”. He is cheering on Carly [Fiorina] in hopes of getting the Republican women.

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry says Donald Trump is not a true conservative despite leading the GOP polls on'Fox News Sunday on Aug. 2 2015