
Perry challenges Trump to pull-up contest

Perry’s campaign was keeping quiet this week about how he was gearing up for the first debate, assuming he makes it. The former governor, however, has been open about his presidential preparation over the past several months, touting his participation in wonky policy briefings and frequent trips to the early-voting states. Perry’s economic proposals are to the left of numerous other GOP presidential candidates.


“If Secretary Clinton wants to take credit for the “Clinton economy”, Perry said, “then she must defend the destructive homeownership policies advocated by her husband that pushed shoddy loans to people who couldn’t afford them, and the economic chaos that followed”.

“As someone who grew up on the prairies of West Texas, I know that the common sense of Main Street can help make Wall Street work again for all Americans, not just the well-connected few”, said the 14-year governor, who stepped down in January.

Perry says the Fed and Congress should move to further restrict the amount of borrowing that the largest and most systemically significant banks are allowed to engage in.

The real issue that will keep Wall Street money out of Perry’s hands isn’t banker bashing. “The roots of the financial crisis can be traced to the 1990s”.

Stop big banks from being able to borrow at lower rates because they’re designated “systemically important financial insititutions”. “Democrats have a 1915 view of the 2015 economy”, he said, as indicated by the Texas Tribune.

“Hillary Clinton wants to raise capital gains taxes”, he said. That said, a bunch of her policy suggestions made it into his speech. Many people in the hedge fund and private equity community are mad about the housing bubble too. Perry has been sparring with Bush over the mantle of job-creating governor.

The Washington Post quoted John Weaver, senior adviser to the campaign of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, describing the effect that Donald Trump’s presence has had in the race in a Tweet.


A report in New York Magazine Thursday said an adviser to Perry, who is near the cut off line, has lobbied Fox News to use polls that rank him more favorably. The committee, which is not endorsing in the 2016 race, has been hosting forums with GOP candidates in New York.

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