
Perry Pledges No Bank Bailouts as President

They also think the banks have turned into insanely massive, overly regulated, and less-profitable zombie firms. “Wall Street should not be left off the hook for their bad behavior … instead of them being punished, it was the average American who paid the tremendous price”.


And when the music stopped, more mistakes were made in Perry’s eyes – namely the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act and the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Trump has returned fire, questioning Perry’s ability to secure the border as governor and saying that he doesn’t have the intelligence required to for the presidency.

Forcing banks to hold more cash for trading.

As one hedge fund executive told Business Insider: “Hedge funds look down on bankers”.

Rick Perry, who is just at the borderline of making the cut for Thursday night’s first GOP debate, said Monday that being in the top 10 would be a good place to be, but “one debate won’t make or break a candidate”. They blame bankers for it.

The real issue that will keep Wall Street money out of Perry’s hands isn’t banker bashing.

Yet his national polling remains stuck in the low single digits, numbers that in any other presidential election cycle could be shrugged off by a campaign as irrelevant this early in the process. He was quoted saying he believes that he stands out from the Washington insiders running as an outsider who can bring change.

“This is not a one-shot pony here”, Perry said. He promised he would get at least 35 percent of the Hispanic vote, a holy grail for a Republican Party that has struggled to win over nonwhites. Trump’s comments came during an interview in his Manhattan office with a British tabloid website.

“Let’s get a pull-up bar out there and let’s see who can do the most pull-ups”, which was met by laughter and a round of applause.


According to a Texas Tribune report, Perry, who is now in pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination, used a speech at New York’s Yale Club yesterday to fault the Clinton Administration’s housing policies and the former Secretary of State’s efforts to promise a reprise of her husband’s economic positive achievements.

Perry on Trump Let's 'see who can do the most pull-ups&#39