
Perseid meteor shower peaks soon with double usual shooting stars

But, even if it is cloudy during the peak shower, Perseid activity should still be good from moonset to dawn throughout the weekend.


Expect to see about one meteor per minute – or more.

“Forecasters are predicting a Perseid outburst this year with double normal rates on the night of August 11-12”, Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environments Office in Huntsville, Alabama said in a statement.

Residents of Hanoi will be able to watch the Perseid meteor shower from 1 to 2am on Friday, with the number of meteor sightings expected to double, compared to past year.

The moon setting in the sky early in the morning allow you to see more meteors.

The livestream begins at 8 p.m. EST.

Here’s everything you need to know about viewing the meteor shower.

The Perseid meteor shower will burst into light throughout the month of August – but it’s predicted to be at its best later this week, according to NASA.

EarthSky explains that Perseids occurs when our planet comes in contact with the Comet Swift-Tuttle’s orbital path.

NASA’s Meteoroid Environments Office said in a statement that “Under ideal conditions, rates could soar to 200 meteors per hour”.

The Perseids come from a point in front of the constellation Perseus which is in the north-eastern part of the sky, however the meteors can be seen from any point in the sky.

The website suggests that the best time to view Perseids is night of August 11 and morning of August 12.

Should skies be suitable for meteor gazing experts say to relax, sit in a chair with your head back scanning the skies about two-thirds of the way between the horizon and straight overhead.

“We hit them at 100,000 miles an hour and they burn up as a fiery streak”, he said.


After a long day, there’s nothing better than taking the time to look up at the night sky and admire the beauty of the universe. You’ll want to watch from the darkest place you can find and should avoid white lights.

How to watch the Perseid meteor shower online